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Elasticsearch plugin for Workflow Core

A search index plugin for Workflow Core backed by Elasticsearch, enabling you to index your workflows and search against the data and state of them.


Install the NuGet package “WorkflowCore.Providers.Elasticsearch”

Using Nuget package console

PM> Install-Package WorkflowCore.Providers.Elasticsearch

Using .NET CLI

dotnet add package WorkflowCore.Providers.Elasticsearch


Use the .UseElasticsearch extension method on IServiceCollection when building your service provider

using Nest;
services.AddWorkflow(cfg =>
	cfg.UseElasticsearch(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")), "index_name");


Inject the ISearchIndex service into your code and use the Search method.

Search(string terms, int skip, int take, params SearchFilter[] filters)


A whitespace separated string of search terms, an empty string will match everything. This will do a full text search on the following default fields

In addition you can search data within your own custom data object if it implements ISearchable

 using WorkflowCore.Interfaces;
 public class MyData : ISearchable
    public string StrValue1 { get; set; }
    public string StrValue2 { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<string> GetSearchTokens()
        return new List<string>()

##### Examples

Search all fields for “puppies”

 searchIndex.Search("puppies", 0, 10);

skip & take

Use skip and take to page your search results. Where skip is the result number to start from and take is the page size.


You can also supply a list of filters to apply to the search, these can be applied to both the standard fields as well as any field within your custom data objects. There is no need to implement ISearchable on your data object in order to use filters against it.

The following filter types are available

These exist in the WorkflowCore.Models.Search namespace.

##### Examples

Filtering by reference

 using WorkflowCore.Models.Search;

 searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, ScalarFilter.Equals(x => x.Reference, "My Reference"));

Filtering by workflows started after a date

 searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, DateRangeFilter.After(x => x.CreateTime, startDate));

Filtering by workflows completed within a period

 searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, DateRangeFilter.Between(x => x.CompleteTime, startDate, endDate));

Filtering by workflows in a state

 searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, StatusFilter.Equals(WorkflowStatus.Complete));

Filtering against your own custom data class

 class MyData
	public string Value1 { get; set; }
	public int Value2 { get; set; }

 searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, ScalarFilter.Equals<MyData>(x => x.Value1, "blue moon"));
 searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, NumericRangeFilter.LessThan<MyData>(x => x.Value2, 5))